Monday, July 16, 2007

Quick check in....

Headed out to the airport in a few minutes to get C - things seem to have gone fairly well in Florida. I'll be so glad to have him home though - who knew that sharing a queen size bed with a 5 year old would be so painful?

I let Iz sleep in my bed the last few nights. Much easier, and she missed C like crazy. Now begins the struggle - will she willingly sleep in her own room tonight or are we back to "camp outs" - a blanket and pillow on the floor at the foot of our bed. Yay.

I learned a few things this weekend. For one as much as I whine about C, he's useful to have around. Second, I can manage on my own. I even seem to get more stuff done, since I can't stand Iz sitting in front of the TV all the time. We sat and did some math yesterday - I was surprised how well she did. She has to go for testing at the school next week - the kindergarten teachers want to do some aptitude testing and talk to parents, which is reassuring - they at least act like communication is important - much more hopeful than the lack of help I got last year. It's good to know that the teachers care even if the county can't manage to answer a letter or a phone call.

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