Friday, September 5, 2008


Yes, it's been a while. In fact, I had almost forgotten that I had a blog (except for those moments when something interesting happened over the last few weeks and I thought "gosh, I must blog about that" and then promptly forgot), but someone shamelessly complimented me on this blog today and it actually prompted me to post an update.

So, where do I start? Not working at the moment. Applying for jobs and not getting incredibly far, but if I'm totally honest, I'm not trying as hard as I could be either. It's looking like it'll be the supermarket for me some time soon. At least it's close to home and not too demanding.

So that's loser point #1. Unemployed and need to get a job.

Loser point #2? It's 2.45 right now, and I've still not managed to do the washing up from last night's dinner, even though I've been at home all day. Yup, I've become a shameless slacker. Well, I've not exactly become a shameless slacker, I've always been a shameless slacker, but I usually manage to hide it and at least make it look like I made an effort - Quiet those of you in the back who have known me since school, where I didn't even bother to show up for quite a lot of the last year of A-Levels. Yes, I know - not my proudest moment.

Loser point #3. I can't win anything, which is about as loserish as it can get, really. Some of you might know that one of my many ways of spending lots of time online and not actually doing anything productive is to enter lots of things. Generally, I can win at least something teeny tiny here and there (and sometimes something really cool and quite significant) but lately I can't even manage a cell phone ring-tone (which is the internet contest prize equivalent of those flyers for carpet cleaning they hand out when you walk down the street).

So, I'm unemployed, spending lots of time on the internet, and I don't even have anything free to show for it. But I have been watching BBC America all day, which means I'm well up on antiques, Gordon Ramsey and vegetable juice.

Really, if I see another episode of "You are what you eat", I'm going to lose my lunch.