Tuesday, August 7, 2007

She's a star!

Just a quick entry - Iz was an absolute star today.
We went to the dentist this morning, and she behaved perfectly. She has to go back for a filling next week and she even took that news well. Better than I did. A huge plus at the dentist was that I found out that we do have dental insurance after all - there's $110 I thought we were going to have to spend today that we didn't.

Not only that, we've just got back from the assesment at school with one of the kindergarten teachers. She behaved perfectly then, too. She put up with a 30 minute one on one quiz, and the only thing she couldn't come up with was a rhyme for "w". It took me a little while to come up with a rhyme for "w", so I think we can be satisfied that she did her best, and did pretty well.
I'm so proud!

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