Friday, August 17, 2007


Been sick the last few days - left work early to sleep yesterday, slept from midday until 7.30pm. Then I lay awake all night worrying about really worrying stuff.

This is my dilemma. Iz starts school next week. Earlier this week, I find out that the person who was giong to be watching Iz in the mornings (through no fault of her own) is unable to watch her. Which means I have a week to find her somewhere new, preferably for not a whole bunch of money, but more preferably where she feels comfortable and happy. And get her busses changed, which means making begging overtures to hre school office.

So this kept me awake last night. There's not an easy answer, and I really want to get this settled so we can prepare properly for the whole starting school thing.

So I'm sick and I'm stressed. I'll stop there, because if I carry on I'll just bore everybody to death.

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