Friday, August 24, 2007

An exciting day.

Well, that is, hopefully it will be an exciting day.

We will be spending the afternoon at Iz's new school, where we will get to meet her teacher, see her classroom, and no doubt get some goldfish crackers or a cookie. I swear, my child will never go hungry at this school. Every meeting or appointment we've had so far has been accompanied by a snack.

Iz was thrilled yesterday to get a letter (a real letter in the mail!) from her new Kindergarten teacher. I was thrilled when I found out that this lady has 24 years elementary teaching experience. You have to be a special kind of person to survive elementary education (pupils, parents and policies) for 24 years. Not that a new teacher wouldn't be cool too, but I definately get the picture that this lady is unflappable. Come to think of it, I'm kind of looking forward to meeting her today, too!

After we go to the school this afternoon, C and I have agreed that we'll let Iz choose wherever she wants to go for a meal, to celebrate her going to school, and being a big kid. I've got a feeling we;re either going to end up at Chuck E Cheese's (pizza and arcarde games) or the Outback (steakhouse). I know which one I'd prefer...

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