Friday, July 13, 2007

Lets see how long this takes...

It took me two hours to manage last night's blog at home - spent a lot of time getting up from the computer and doing other things, and as a result I wasn't really happy with how my post reads - I'm not very good at communication, and sometimes it takes quite a bit of concentration to get my point across. Add some distraction to that, and you've got a garbled mess.

So lets try blogging from the cubicle. Work cubicle, that is.

We went into Westminster yesterday to get some fish and crabs to put in C's new beach paludarium. It looks really good - when we're finished I'll post a picture. We managed to get fish (and who ever would have thought I'd be excited about fish, since I'm still incredibly scared of them?) but no crabs. Petsmart's crabs were substandard, so we have to try back every few days to see if they've had a new delivery of standard crabs. Apparently, crab deliveries to Petsmart ar enot regular things - the crabs show up whenever they feel like it.

Been spending time outside in our yard a lot lately. Well, a lot more time than I used to, anyway. We've lived in the same house for seven years now, and this is the first time we've even bought furniture to sit outside. I'm getting used to having people around now - there are just waist high fences in our neighborhood, so our yard looks directly out on five other yards. I'm used to a bit more privacy than that, but it's nice to spend some time outdoors again, espcially now I have a good reading spot.

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