Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another week, another party.

Iz has the last of her very drawn out birthday celebrations this weekend. Her Gymnastics party, to which noone has RSVP'd and I need a head count to the gymnastics place by yesterday. I also need to sort out plates, cups, party bags and something for the kiddos to eat. Behind? Moi?

Had an excellent time fishing out on the Chesapeake Bay on Saturday. The company I wokr for chartered ten fishing boats and put on a buffet breakfast. It was awesome, except for the funny looking sunburn I managed to get - burned my whole face except where my singlasses are, so I look like a raccoon in a negative. Stupid fair skin, and stupid me. I swear I've learned my lesson this time - or at least I have for the next few months.

In other news, we now have a cat. It's not a particularly bright cat, but it is quite amusing. Except when I had to fish it out from behind the dryer twice yesterday - that was less amusing. Pictures to follow (but then I always say that, don't I?)


Anonymous said...

Is itt my cat you now have? cos I've lost mine

Izzybee said...

It's seven weeks old, stripy and squeaks a lot. If that sounds like yours, then we've got prrof that cats have finally figured out teleportaion...