Thursday, September 13, 2007

And it's another retrospective

September's going to be like that, folks!

It happened six years ago today. Becoming a mother, for me, was the ultimate "You've got to act like an adult now" feeling. Not a bad feeling at all, though.

Throughout my pregnancy I was a little worried. I mean, babies were OK, but I didn't like them a whole bunch. I was never one of those kids that longed to become a mother - I was more the climbing trees kind of kid than the babydoll kind of kid. The second they placed my child in my arms, it was a complete change. There was nothing more beautiful in this world, and there was absolutely no love like it. I never really understood "God the father" as a metaphor for the way God loves us, but at that moment I understood it, even if I'm still not sure if I wholly believe it.

Love at first sight. C, an avowed agnostic who would rather have his legs waxed than talk about religion, swears he saw a little piece of God in the birth of his baby.

Yes, there will be cake and a party, later. Today a rather overexcited Iz is at school, where she will be ditributing snacks and pencils, and later we're going to Friendly's for dinner. Obviously her choice - and I'm a little suprised, since she's been rather too fond of going to the Outback lately. Friendly's food is more affordable (although a lot less edible) though.

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