Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Ok, I promised a certain person that I'd blog today, and here it is. Warning though - it's full of stress.

In fact it's definately full of stress - I'm at work, I've just realised I've made a huge mistake and now I'm waiting for my boss to get back to his office so I can go and own up to making said mistake and get his help hopefully fixing it.

Other than that (and I'm trying to concentrate on other things right now), I'm generally stressed. And depressed. I'm not sure if it's the season amplifying my general personality or whether I'm going through a rougher patch than that, but there it is, and I'm not sure what to do about it. What makes matters worse is that there's no reason I should be as down as I have been for the last few months. Oh well, this too (hopefully) shall pass. Cause if it doesn't I'll end up doing something stupid, like quitting my job. And I need a paycheck.

Everyone is doing well - Iz is her usual happy self. I'm jsut struggling for answers I don't know the questions to right now.

More later - when I've attempted to dig myself out of the urget hole I seem to have fallen into.

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